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WildSEO effectively indexes web pages with a 90% success rate by utilizing Google’s Web Search Indexing API. This advanced API allows for direct and efficient communication with Google’s indexing system, optimizing the indexing process and enhancing the success rate of page submissions.

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In this three-step process, we’ll show you how to set up both bulk and auto-indexing. The whole process shouldn’t take more than three minutes (we’ve timed it). And, the best part is – you only have to do it once! Now, let’s knock this out, and get you indexed!

Step 1 – After you enroll in a plan with WildSEO, head over to the Index Settings tab and copy (⌘+C) your service account email(s).

WildSEO - Indexing Settings

Step 2 – Then, head over to GSC (G00gle Search Console) and add the service account emails as users (they must be added as owners so they can work on your behalf).

WildSEO - Adding Service Accounts

Then, you’re all set.

Step 3 – Now, head back to WildSEO, and you can enable auto-indexing in the project hub or start bulk-submitting pages in the index inspector.

WildSEO - Enable Auto-Indexing

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While we’ve seen results as fast as an hour using the Google Index API, we generally see pages appear within the first 24 hours of being requested. The exact time can vary and is ultimately determined by Google.

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