SEO Techniques to Drive Organic Traffic in 2024

Last Updated: January 16th, 2024

Discover the most effective SEO techniques to skyrocket your website's organic traffic in 2024. This guide dives into the latest strategies in keyword research, content optimization, technical SEO, and link building. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned marketer, these insights are designed to keep you ahead in the ever-evolving world of SEO.

SEO Techniques to Drive Organic Traffic in 2024

Key takeaways:

  • Keyword Research: Utilize unique sources like Reddit, Wikipedia, and create your own keywords.
  • Content Optimization: Update old posts, write compelling titles and descriptions, and focus on semantic SEO.
  • Content Length: Aim for at least 1,447 words for better ranking.
  • Technical SEO: Optimize for Google RankBrain and use long-tail keywords in title tags.
  • Link Building: Leverage broken links on Wikipedia, competitor analysis, and authority site links.
  • On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO: Focus on both content quality and external factors like backlinks.
  • Page Indexing: Ensure your pages are indexed for visibility in search results.
  • Ongoing Learning: SEO is an evolving field, requiring continuous updates and focus on audience needs.

Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned webmaster, mastering the latest SEO techniques is crucial. It's not just about climbing the SERPs. It's about understanding your target audience and enhancing their user experience.

Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs? They're not just tools; they're lifelines for many website owners. But with so much information out there, where do you begin? This guide is your answer. We'll dive deep into keyword research, link building, on-page tweaks, and more.

Remember, great SEO isn't just for search engines. It's for people. So, let's dive in and explore how to make your content truly stand out.

Keyword Research and Optimization

Discover Untapped Keywords on Reddit:

Reddit isn't just for memes and news. It's a goldmine for keyword research. For instance, if you're in the vegan food niche, the subreddit r/veganrecipes is buzzing with terms like "jackfruit tacos," "seitan steaks," and "aquafaba mousse." By tuning into these conversations, you can uncover keywords that you might not find in traditional tools.

Use Wikipedia for Keyword and Topic Ideas:

Ever thought of Wikipedia as an SEO tool? Think again. Let's say you're researching "sustainable energy." A quick Wikipedia search reveals related terms like "geothermal power," "tidal energy," and "biomass." These entries are packed with keyword ideas that can inspire your next piece of content.

Create Your Own Keywords:

Why always follow the crowd? Sometimes, the best strategy is to lead. For example, if you've developed a unique yoga pose or a new type of digital marketing strategy, coin a term for it! When "Skyscraper Technique" was introduced by Brian Dean, it wasn't a known term. Now, it's widely recognized in the SEO community.

Use Creative Seed Keywords: isn't your average keyword tool. It offers a fresh approach. Imagine you sell handmade soaps. Enter a scenario like "What would you type into Google if you were looking for organic handmade soaps?" Gather real-time responses and discover unique seed keywords like "artisanal lavender soap" or "eco-friendly bath bars" that can set your content apart.

Optimizing Content for SEO

Update, Upgrade, and Republish Old Blog Posts:
Old is gold, especially when it comes to content. Remember that blog post from two years ago? It might just need a little sprucing up. By updating statistics, adding new insights, and giving it a fresh look, you can breathe new life into it. Not only does this save time, but Google also loves fresh content, often rewarding these refreshed posts with better rankings.

Write Compelling Title and Description Tags:
Your title tag is your first impression on the SERPs. Make it count. For instance, instead of "10 Tips for Gardening," try "10 Proven Tips to Transform Your Garden Overnight!" Similarly, a meta description like "Discover quick and easy gardening hacks that yield beautiful results" can entice users to click on your link over others.

Optimize Content for Semantic SEO:
Gone are the days when stuffing your content with keywords worked. Today, it's all about context. Semantic SEO is about understanding and matching the intent behind a user's search. For example, if someone searches for "apple," are they looking for the fruit or the tech company? By optimizing for topics and themes, rather than just keywords, you cater to the nuances of user intent.

Publish Content With At Least 1,447 Words:
Size matters, at least when it comes to content. A study by Backlinko found that the average word count of a Google first page result is 1,447 words. This doesn't mean fluffing up your content, but rather providing comprehensive, in-depth information that fully addresses the topic. Longer content tends to attract more backlinks, shares, and most importantly, higher rankings.

Technical SEO and User Experience

In the vast world of SEO, while content might be king, technical SEO and user experience are the unsung heroes that often determine a website's success in the SERPs. Let's dive deep into these critical aspects and understand how they can make or break your site's performance.

  1. Optimize Your Site for Google RankBrain: The AI Behind Google's Search
    • Decoding RankBrain: RankBrain isn't just another algorithm update; it's Google's AI-driven approach to understanding search queries. Imagine a user searching for "best shoes for hiking." While the query is straightforward, what if someone types "top footgear for mountain trails"? RankBrain's job is to interpret such queries and deliver similar, relevant results.
    • Optimizing for RankBrain: To win over RankBrain, focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with user intent. For instance, if you're writing about hiking shoes, ensure you cover related topics like "terrain suitability," "shoe grip," and "durability." Engaging content leads to better user metrics, signaling RankBrain about the content's relevance.
  2. Embed Long Tail Keywords In Title Tags: The Secret Sauce for Better Clicks
    • The Power of Long-Tail Keywords: Ever wondered why "women's waterproof hiking shoes size 8" might work better than just "hiking shoes"? That's the magic of long-tail keywords. They're specific, resonate with user intent, and often have a higher conversion rate.
    • Crafting the Perfect Title: Using tools like Ubersuggest, you can identify long-tail variations. For a post on hiking shoes, a title like "Top 10 Women's Waterproof Hiking Shoes: Size 8 Edition" can be a game-changer. It's specific, addresses a direct need, and is likely to attract more clicks.
  3. Remember the “First Link Priority Rule”: A Little-known Google Quirk
  • Deciphering the Rule: Imagine you have a blog post, and in the first paragraph, you link to your "hiking shoes" page using the anchor text "check out these shoes." Later in the post, you link to the same page using the anchor text "best hiking shoes." Google will typically prioritize the first link, even if the second anchor text is more descriptive.
  • Optimizing Your Links: To make the most of this rule, be strategic. If you're discussing various types of shoes in a post, ensure that the first link to your "hiking shoes" page uses the most relevant anchor text.

Link Building Strategies

Link building remains a cornerstone of SEO. While the landscape of SEO and link building is always changing, certain strategies stand the test of time. Here are some tried-and-true methods, along with fresh perspectives from industry experts:

  1. Find Broken Link Building Opportunities on Wikipedia: Wikipedia remains a goldmine for broken link building. Many articles contain outdated or broken links, and editors appreciate when these are pointed out and replaced with working, relevant links. For instance, if a Wikipedia article on digital marketing has a broken link to a resource on email marketing, and you have a comprehensive guide on the same topic, you can suggest replacing the broken link with a link to your guide.
  2. Copy Your Competitors' Best Keywords: It's always a good idea to keep an eye on your competitors. Tools like SEMrush can help you analyze which keywords your competitors are ranking for. By understanding their keyword strategy, you can identify gaps in your own content and find opportunities for link-building.
  3. Find Link-Building Opportunities From “Best of” Lists: "Best of" lists are popular and often get a lot of shares and links. If you have a high-quality resource or product, reaching out to bloggers or websites that curate such lists can be beneficial. For example, if you've developed a cutting-edge SEO tool, getting featured on a "Best SEO Tools of 2024" list can drive significant traffic and backlinks to your site.
  4. Link Out to Authority Sites: Contrary to what some might think, outbound linking, especially to authoritative sources, can be beneficial. Not only does it provide value to your readers, but it also gets you on the radar of those authority sites. For instance, if you're writing a detailed guide on content marketing and you link out to a Backlinko study that supports your points, there's a chance they might notice and appreciate the gesture, leading to potential collaboration or link opportunities in the future.
  5. Send Authority to Underperforming Pages: Internal linking is a powerful SEO strategy. By linking from your high-authority pages to those that are underperforming, you can boost their visibility and rankings. For example, if you have a popular article on "SEO Trends in 2024" and another lesser-known piece on "Voice Search Optimization", linking from the former to the latter can drive more traffic and authority to the underperforming content.

On-Page vs Off-Page SEO Techniques

SEO is a vast field, but at its core, it can be divided into two main categories: on-page SEO and off-page SEO. Both are crucial and understanding the nuances of each can significantly boost your website's organic traffic. Let's dive in.

On-Page SEO: This refers to the optimizations you make directly on your web page. It's all about ensuring that your content is of high quality, relevant, and easily accessible by searchers and crawlers alike.

  • Keyword Research: Using a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner can help you identify target keywords and search terms with high search volume.
  • Content Strategy: Ensure your website content is fresh. Regularly update old content and add new content that caters to the needs of your audience. Incorporate subheadings, infographics, and relevant content to make your content engaging and informative.
  • Technical Aspects: Pay attention to HTML markup, alt text for images, and ensure your sitemap is updated and submitted to Google Search Console. Also, monitor your page speed and Core Web Vitals through Google Analytics to ensure a smooth user experience, especially on mobile devices.

Off-Page SEO: This focuses on external factors that influence your site's ranking on search engines. It's about building a web of external links and signals that point back to your site, indicating its authority and relevance.

(For more on Authority for SEO check out: What is Authoritativeness?)

  • Backlinks: These remain a significant ranking factor. Engage in guest posting, participate in forums, and conduct outreach to obtain high-quality backlinks. Remember, it's not just about quantity; the PageRank and relevance of the linking site matter.
  • Social Media: An active presence on social media platforms can drive traffic and act as a signal to search engines about your site's popularity and relevance.
  • Featured Snippets: Aim to get your content featured in these coveted spots on SERPs. They can significantly boost search traffic.
  • Redirects: Ensure that any old or moved pages use proper redirects, so searchers and crawlers are directed to the right content.

Additional Tips:

  • For beginners, it's essential to understand the difference between Bing and Google's algorithms. While there's overlap, each has its nuances.
  • Avoid duplicate content on your site. It can confuse crawlers and lead to indexing issues.
  • Ensure your landing pages are optimized for conversions. Monitor the bounce rate and make necessary adjustments.

Page Indexing for Boosting Organic Search

When it comes to SEO, one of the most fundamental yet often overlooked aspects is page indexing. Think of it as the process where search engines, like Google, add your web pages to their vast libraries. Without proper indexing, even the most well-optimized pages can remain hidden from potential visitors, causing a significant dip in organic search traffic.

Why is Page Indexing Crucial? 

Imagine writing a fantastic book, but instead of placing it on the library's main shelf, it's tucked away in a dusty corner. That's precisely what happens when your web pages aren't indexed. They exist, but they're virtually invisible to the online world.

Examples to Illustrate the Importance of Indexing:

  1. E-Commerce Store: Let's say you've launched a new product line on your online store. Without indexing, these new product pages won't appear in search engine results, leading to missed sales opportunities.
  2. Bloggers: If you've crafted a well-researched article packed with valuable SEO tips, it's essential that this content gets indexed. Otherwise, your target audience might never find your insights.

How Do I Get Google to Index My Site? 

To ensure your site gets indexed by Google, you need to submit a sitemap via the Google Search Console. This sitemap provides Google with a roadmap of your site's structure, making it easier for the search engine to crawl and index your content. Additionally, tools like WildSEO can automate this process, ensuring timely indexing of all your pages.

How Do I Check If Google Has Indexed My Site? 

You can check the indexing status of your site by using the "site:" query in Google. For example, typing "" in Google's search bar will display all the indexed pages from your site. Alternatively, the Google Search Console offers a more detailed view, showing which pages have been indexed and any potential issues.

What Is the Google Index? 

The Google Index is like a vast library containing all the web pages that Google knows about. When a user types a query into Google, the search engine doesn't search the web in real-time. Instead, it searches its index to find relevant pages. Ensuring your pages are in this index is crucial for visibility in search results.

WildSEO: Your Indexing Partner 

Enter WildSEO. Designed to streamline the indexing process, WildSEO ensures that your pages don't just exist but thrive in the competitive digital landscape. By automating the indexing process, WildSEO ensures that every new page or piece of content you create gets promptly indexed, boosting its visibility in organic search results.

Key Features of WildSEO:

  • Automated Indexing: No need to manually submit pages for indexing. WildSEO does the heavy lifting, ensuring timely indexing of all your content.
  • Performance Monitoring: Track how well your pages are performing in search results, and receive actionable SEO tips to further optimize them.
  • Integration with Major Platforms: Whether you're on WordPress, Shopify, or Webflow, WildSEO seamlessly integrates, making the indexing process a breeze.

Page indexing is the unsung hero of SEO. By ensuring that your pages are promptly and correctly indexed, you set the foundation for improved visibility in organic search results. And with tools like WildSEO at your disposal, the process becomes not just efficient but also effective.


The digital realm is in a constant state of flux, with SEO at its heart. As we've journeyed through the vast landscape of SEO techniques for 2024, a few truths stand out. First, the climb to the pinnacle of SERPs is more than just algorithms and keywords; it's about resonating with human searchers, understanding their needs, and delivering unparalleled user experiences.

From the goldmine of keyword opportunities on platforms like Reddit and Wikipedia to the art of refreshing old content and understanding technical intricacies like Google's RankBrain, SEO is a multifaceted discipline. Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs are not mere utilities but essential companions in this journey.

The importance of link-building remains undiminished, with innovative strategies like leveraging Wikipedia's broken links or drawing inspiration from "Best of" lists. On the other hand, the nuances of on-page and off-page SEO, from crafting compelling title tags to understanding the dynamics of backlinks and social signals, underscore the depth and breadth of SEO.

The spotlight on page indexing, especially with powerhouses like WildSEO, emphasizes the foundational role of ensuring web pages are visible and accessible. After all, what good is stellar content if it remains hidden from the world?

As we wrap up, remember that SEO is not a one-time task but an ongoing commitment. The techniques and strategies highlighted here are your compass, guiding you through the ever-evolving terrain of digital marketing. Stay curious, keep updating your knowledge, and most importantly, always prioritize your audience. Here's to dominating the SERPs and driving organic traffic in 2024 and beyond!

Tim White
Tim White
Over 15 years of strategic sales and marketing experience focusing on B2B growth, operations, and corporate marketing across both high-growth startups and publicly traded companies. Experience executing impactful marketing campaigns as well as scaling high-performing teams across all marketing functions including growth, integrated campaigns, brand, operations, digital, paid acquisition, content strategy, and sales development.

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